Nominate Neelendra Nath for a social media award in the Shorty Awards!
Nominate Neelendra Nath for a social media award in the Shorty Awards

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Apple and The Man

Association of Apple with Man dates back to the Gardens of Eden. If not for that apple, you probably would not have been reading this on your apple. The Adam, The Eve and The Sin of the Apple gave life to mankind, as some say and nonetheless is a fascinating story. That apple indeed changed the life on earth.

The association did not cease there, and apple played an active role in our life since then. Be it apple of your eye or the apple which kept you away from the doctor or The Big Apple! It was not only collective effects, which applekind had on mankind; but it did also have a life changing effect on one man, Sir Isaac Newton. I am not sure how much life changing apple’s discovery of Newton was with aid of gravity for mankind, as gravity would not have ceased acting, if the falling apple had not found Newton under the tree. Eventually men would have found out about the force that keeps us grounded. Only effect that one act of apple had on us was it shown the face of reality to our dreams of jumping off the ground to the moon. But certainly that smart falling apple brought eternal glory to itself and the man it discovered. So much so that Alexander Pope wrote for Apple of his Eye “Nature and nature's laws lay hid in night;
God said "Let Newton be" and all was light.

A lot was said and talked about apple under gravity, but that glory also succumbed to gravity itself and came down to be restricted to school science books and fruit baskets. Until was born, a man with a destiny, on 24 February 1955, A messiah to the forbidden fruit. For what that fruit was till he gave it a new identity. From a milestone in personal computing to luxury to necessity, in his reign applekind saw all phases and reached a zenith where world without apple is unimaginable. It will not be surprising if on being asked to pick apple from the fruit and phone kept on table, a kid picks up the phone. That is the effect of the man whose innovation in true sense changed the world.

The existence of apple of Adam is mythical, apple of Newton could have easily been replaced by a pear or mango or a mere stone, but The Apple of Steve Jobs is forever, omnipresent and for all. It is not replaceable and replicable.

Never in the history of applekind has it been elevated to such heights from where it will never show any Netwon the Effect of Gravity. All apples hail to the man who changed the world as your kind knew it.